Planting time in the garden and greenhouse

   The tomato plants have been getting my full attention in the last few days as the weather has been very rainy and the greenhouse was the nicest place to be.  This year I am trying out a new variety (to me) - Sunlight Yellow which produces cherry tomatoes in a fetching shade of yellow and is apparently, an earlier variety.  I will usually have tomatoes to share in August and September but these should be ready in July.  I am also growing Gardener's Delight and Tigerella (I grow everything from seed) which has tiger like stripes on the skin and is a medium sized tomato.  Strangely, this is variously described as having little flavour or as being very tasty, depending which 'garden expert' you read!  I find it tasty so I think it must all be in the growing technique!!  Home grown tomatoes beat supermarket ones hands down and I rarely buy them.  I freeze the surplus to make soup throughout the year (roasting them in the oven, from frozen, with shallots) and then whizzing them up with no added water and maybe a herb or two - delicious!


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